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Rename your Recycle Bin in Windows XP

It is quick simple windows XP tips for today, if you just want to rename your Recycle Bin we don't have Rename option in windows. I will show you how to change Recycle Bin name to whatever we want.

1. Open your Registry Editor tool in windows.

2. Go to start -> Run  (windows+R).

3. Type regedit and press ENTER.

4.  Now go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/ {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} 

(Faster to get, press 1st letter on your keyboard while selecting the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.)

5. Double click on the Default option and you can see the Value Data: Recycle Bin.
    Change the Value Data whatever you want.

6. Then Click OK and close your Registry Editor.  

7. Restart your Computer. now you can see your Recycle Bin icon's name should be changed.

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I'm Siva. A full time Graphic and web designer. I enjoy to make modern designs. I love to create Creative designs and write about design, computer, Internet, Mobile and Facebook with this blog.

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