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Send Bold & Underline Text in Facebook Chat

We all using facebook chat but still a lot of people don’t know how to Send Bold & Underline Text in Facebook Chat and it does not require any technical knowledge just simple codes. Now we are going to learn cool facebook chat trick of how to send bold and underlined text in facebook chat.

Sending Bold Text

Type whatever you want in between * *(two stars), it will automatically change into bold.


she is *beautiful*

change it to

she is beautiful

For sending underlined Text

Type whatever you want in between _ _(two underscores), itwill automatically turns into underlined text

she is _beautiful_

change it to

she is beautiful

Writing Bold+Underline

Whatever you type between *_ _* will automatically turns into Bold+Underline


she is *_beautiful_*

change it to

she is beautiful

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I'm Siva. A full time Graphic and web designer. I enjoy to make modern designs. I love to create Creative designs and write about design, computer, Internet, Mobile and Facebook with this blog.

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