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Do you know how to remove chat contact from Gmail

Everyone know how to add contacts in Gmail, it is very easy. You also might have added them in Chat Contacts. Now after sometime, we don’t like the person and want to remove the person from Chat contacts in Gmail. There is no option in Gmail to remove Chat contacts, although you can remove your Mail contacts.

No option to Remove/Delete a contact in Chat list. But there is a way to remove your Chat contacts in Gmail.

Download and Install Gtalk chat software,

After installation, Enter your username and password for the account you want to remove your Chat contact. Then right click on the contact you want to remove. You will be displayed with options Remove. Select “Remove” from the list. Now see your Chat contact is removed or deleted from the Contact list.

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I'm Siva. A full time Graphic and web designer. I enjoy to make modern designs. I love to create Creative designs and write about design, computer, Internet, Mobile and Facebook with this blog.

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