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How to Get back your deleted Facebook Photos, Video and Messages

09 January 2015 / No Comments

Facebook have this amazing feature, but we are not aware of this, Today I will show how to get back your deleted data (Photos, Videos & Messages).

Most of the time we delete our Photos / Video / Message from FB profile, If we deleted anything, we unable to get back / undo that, We think its gone forever.

But! there is a way to get back the data which we deleted from FB profile. We can retrieve and download from FB, FB have all our data in their archive.

Follow the steps and get back your data

Step 1: Log in your FB account, go to your Settings.

Step 2: You can find Download a Copy of your Facebook Data at down (check below Image).

Step 3: Click Download a Copy of your Facebook Data, then go to next page there you will see Start My Archive Button, click it

Step 4: You will get FB security alert, this is a Security step by FB. Enter your Password, then click Submit. After submit you will get FB alert, click Start my Archive then next click okay to continue Download.

Step 5: Wait for few minutes, You will get email notification and download link from FB, You are ready to start download your data.

Step 6:  Files will be in .html format, open the file from any browser, then you can access your all data. 

Hope I give you useful information to you,  Try to share this post with your friends, If you want to know more information Please Subscribe with GooIndia.

Facebook Shortcuts Keys

16 May 2011 / No Comments

Facebook has built-in shortcut keys which help to easily navigate among pages like profile, recent messages, notifications, and Account settings in simple short keyboards shortcuts. These are easily remembered as they are in 0 to 9 with combination of alt key. 

Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts for Firefox


Shift+Alt+1: Facebook’s homepage
Shift+Alt+2: Your Facebook profile page
Shift+Alt+3: Friend requests
Shift+Alt+4: Messages
Shift+Alt+5: Notifications
Shift+Alt+6: Account page
Shift+Alt+7: Privacy settings
Shift+Alt+8: Facebook’s page on Facebook
Shift+Alt+9: Facebook Terms of Use
Shift+Alt+0: Facebook Help Center
Shift+Alt + ?: Enables Search
Shift+Alt+m: Compose a new message

Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts for Chrome


Alt+1: Facebook’s homepage
Alt+2: Your Facebook profile page
Alt+3: Friend requests
Alt+4: Messages
Alt+5: Notifications
Alt+6: Account page
Alt+7: Privacy settings
Alt+8: Facebook’s page on Facebook
Alt+9: Facebook Terms of Use
Alt+0: Facebook Help Center
Alt + ?: Enables Search
Alt+m: Compose a new message

Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts for Internet Explorer

Same as Chrome, but we need to hit “Enter” key after the combination.
Eg: Alt + 4 and then hit Enter Key ~ Messages

Send Bold & Underline Text in Facebook Chat

08 May 2011 / No Comments

We all using facebook chat but still a lot of people don’t know how to Send Bold & Underline Text in Facebook Chat and it does not require any technical knowledge just simple codes. Now we are going to learn cool facebook chat trick of how to send bold and underlined text in facebook chat.

Sending Bold Text

Type whatever you want in between * *(two stars), it will automatically change into bold.


she is *beautiful*

change it to

she is beautiful

For sending underlined Text

Type whatever you want in between _ _(two underscores), itwill automatically turns into underlined text

she is _beautiful_

change it to

she is beautiful

Writing Bold+Underline

Whatever you type between *_ _* will automatically turns into Bold+Underline


she is *_beautiful_*

change it to

she is beautiful

Facebook Smiley Codes

/ 1 Comment
We all using facebook chat but still a lot of people don’t know about how to use smiley’s in chat. Some people thinking how other person has sent a smiley.

We all using facebook chat but still a lot of people don’t know how to use smiley’s in chat. Some people thinking how other person has sent a smiley. It is very easy to use smileys in facebook chat. We have to type the code and it will automatically convert into a smiley. Here I was providing complete list of smiley codes that can be used on facebook. If you already use/know some of the codes then you will find this new codes list very useful